The start of a new semester means a multitude of things: new opportunities, new positions, new experiences, and also new classes, which mean new schedules and new routines. While starting fresh seems to be ideal for many college students, it can be stressful. What I have learned during my time at Purdue is that organization is crucial. Setting up a schedule immediately and sticking to it the first couple of weeks helps to get you on track for the semester.
Plan times in your day in between classes to go to a cafĂ©/library and work on homework or catch up on material for your classes. Even if you don’t have a specific assignment to work on, setting aside specified times helps to get into a routine for the semester.
I have also learned to take advantage of Supplementary Instruction (SI). SI sessions are student run help sessions for many of Purdue’s main courses. Attending these informal sessions will help you to stay on top of the material you are learning in class. At the beginning of the semester, I always take note of the SI times for my classes, and make an effort to begin attending them weekly. To learn more about the SI sessions offered at Purdue, follow the link below.
The key to success in many engineering courses is to stay on top of the material. Make an effort to understand concepts as they are taught to prevent cramming before the exam. Time management is fundamental throughout the semester. Setting up a routine at the beginning of the semester and sticking to it will help you succeed. Good luck!
- Abby Trusler