Day-to-Day Life of a First Year Engineering Student: Katherine Franko
Being in First Year Engineering (FYE), you have the freedom to explore what you love most about engineering. I am in FYE and planning on going into Chemical Engineering, so a lot of my classes are pre-requisites and typical freshman classes, some of which are chemistry, physics, calculus, english, and first year engineering. My favorite class so far has been ENGR 132 (the second semester first year engineering class) because my professor is an Environmental and Ecological Engineering professor, so he assigned projects about environmental sustainability, something I care a lot about! I chose to go into Chemical Engineering because I want to be involved with renewable energy and other environmental aspects of Chemical Engineering. My classes, and the projects assigned in them, helped me explore what I love most about engineering.
My daily routine is to wake up and go get some coffee. From there, I go to my classes and get some lunch at the dining courts. After my classes are over, I go to club meetings, then head back to my dorm to do homework and hang out with friends! Some of the clubs that I am in other than WeLink are Green Greeks and the Student Sustainability Council. These clubs are perfect for me and my interests. I’d definitely recommend taking advantage of all the organizations we have here at Purdue, there really is something for everyone!
Want to learn more about FYE click here:
Be sure to reach out to us if you have anymore questions, we are here to help!
-Katherine Franko (FYE)
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