1) Financial Difference Between Colleges I'm Considering
Purdue offers numerous internship and co-op opportunities which can help you earn money during college to assist you in paying for college. There are also tons of scholarships you can find through Purdue or even outside of Purdue. Merit scholarships are available not only when you apply for Purdue, but you can also become eligible for them during college. Various majors at Purdue have their own scholarship opportunities based on student achievement and involvement. Financial aid is something that you can apply for not only when you apply for school, but you can continue to apply.
When I was considering colleges, I too was overwhelmed by "big schools" and thought that I wouldn't fit in there. But then I realized that you can make a school as large or as small as you would like, and the more people just provided more opportunities! Also, individual schools within your academic studies are much smaller, and you will recognize a lot of people just from classes. I have met a lot of people that I am now friends with from class, but even more from learning communities and joining organizations such as WIEP and Greek Life. I think what is most important is to make your own community and I love what I'm a part of.
3) The Size of the Campus is a Lot Bigger than Other Schools
Purdue's campus is pretty large, but I think that it seems more scary than it actually is. Compared to other schools of its size, Purdue's buildings are very condensed and located on the same campus, which at other schools is not the case. The most I walk between classes is 10 minutes, which is not bad at all! Also, buildings in your major are grouped together, so I don't leave the engineering mall much. During our student orientation program, BGR, you get accustomed to the campus before you even have classes, so don't worry about not knowing anything about campus before you get here!4) You Feel Unprepared for Engineering Compared to Other Students
When I first came to Purdue, I was a bit concerned that I had never had any engineering experience in high school. But I soon learned that this is what Purdue's awesome First Year Engineering Program is for, to teach you everything that you need to know from scratch. Working with teams also is very helpful, as you can ask your group members questions and receive help if you need it. Overall, in FYE you are taught the right way and they teach you everything you need to know before going into your discipline. I soon learned that most people don't have coding or engineering experience so I was not alone, and even if people did it was usually different than what was taught in FYE. Just be confident in yourself and your abilities!Stay tuned for more debunking! Have any other questions or concerns? Reach out to us at purdue.welink@gmail.com -- we are here to help!
-Allison Meyer
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