Four Tips to Conquer Finals Week

              At the end of the semester, it can feel like the ounces of coffee consumed overwhelms the number of hours slept.  However, studying for finals doesn’t have to include all-nighters or panic.  Incorporate this advice into your finals week to find success, and your GPA will thank you!

Studying for finals! (with Jennifer Biasi (right), Chemical Engineering)

Practice Old Exams

  • It's typically beneficial to gauge your studying progress by taking exams from a class archive.  If the final is cumulative, it's also helpful to look back at your previous exams throughout the semester.

Make a Plan

  • Map out your study time to balance out time studying for each final. Determine how much time you want to spend studying for each final, and use this to make a general timeline

Take Five

  • Allow yourself to relax every once in while. I've personally found that I can focus better when I allow myself to walk away from my textbooks for a few minutes after a couple hours of studying

Make Mental Notes

  • While studying, is there something you wish you'd done earlier in the semester to make life easier now? Make note of this so you can incorporate better habits from the very beginning of next semester
Overall, remember that you have worked very hard throughout the whole semester, and you’ve learned so much that you didn’t know before.  Everything you’ve struggled with this semester has improved your problem-solving skills; overcoming stress and challenges in your coursework will make you a great engineer.  Good luck on finals, and get excited about new courses and experiences ahead in the next semester!

Do you have any tips for finals week? Let us know using #PurdueWIEP on social media!

-Brittany Allen
WE Link Leadership Team
Updated from Marisa Hughes’ “The Conclusion of a Semester” posted on December 8, 2016.
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