Student Spotlight: Hannah Mas, AAE '18

Name: Hannah Mas

Major: Aeronautical & Astronautical Engineering

Graduation Date: May 2018


What is your favorite part of engineering?

I love how multifaceted engineering is and the diverse projects I’ve had the opportunity to take part in. Even though my specialty is in aerospace, I’ve worked with many other individuals with diverse engineering backgrounds on projects, but our knowledge complimented each other and we worked well together to make our projects a success.   



What is the best thing about Purdue and/or why?

The best thing about Purdue is the vast amount of opportunities that are offered. Any interest you have, Purdue is guaranteed to have a club, project or class offered to take advantage of. I wouldn’t have half the knowledge or experience I have today if it wasn’t for the opportunities that Purdue’s faculty or programs had offered me.

Tell us about a fun memory of your time at Purdue!

One of my best memories I have at Purdue was when I had the opportunity to study Engineering Practice & Education in South India. It was my first study abroad trip through Purdue and it was not only an amazing cultural experience, but I also had some lifelong friendships blossom afterwards.   

Why do you love Purdue?

Purdue has helped pave the way for me to becoming a successful engineering and I can’t say my life would be the same had I chosen to study Aerospace Engineering elsewhere.



What sorts of things are you involved in on campus?

I was involved in the Purdue chapter of Engineers Without Borders where I had the opportunity to be involved in the construction of a biogas digester in Uganda. Being part of this chapter gave me a lot of experience and opened doors for me which eventually lead to a summer internship with Engineers Without Borders USA in Guatemala. I also currently work at the Registrar’s Office and I’m also a BoilerMentor for the Minority in Engineering Program.

Fun Fact?

I’m the first person in my family to attend college!



Favorite class and why?

One of my favorite classes at Purdue was AAE 490 which was a study abroad with Professor Dumbacher where we studied the Global Perspectives on the Uses of Outer Space in Austria and Switzerland. I loved this class because I think Professor Dumbacher is an incredible teacher with a lot of experience and wisdom to share with his students. He truly cared about giving us the guidance we needed to becoming successful engineers and I’m grateful I had the opportunity to have him as a professor before he left Purdue.



Something you wish you had known when going through college search process?

Being so new to the idea of college, my mother and I didn’t know much about the application process and we were kind of learning things as we went along. I wish I would’ve known the importance in researching the universities before I applied to them. I spent a lot of money in college applications to universities that weren’t actually a good fit for me and my major, but figured they were worth applying to because they were known to be good schools. Not realizing that just because they’ve got good reputations as schools doesn’t mean they were the best schools for my major.   


Best advice you received for college?

The best advice I received for college was “to always remember why I was here”, here being Purdue. There was always going to be struggles I faced, whether it was stress from classes, personal problems or a lack of confidence, but every time the going got tough, I always reminded myself that I was doing this for a better life and a better future for me and my family. It helped me stay grounded and kept me pushing forward to the finish line.  


Advice would you give to an incoming student?

Take advantage of the resources and opportunities that Purdue has to offer. This is the best time to explore different avenues and find who you truly are as a person. Break out of your comfort zone and participate in activities that interest you, whether they’re related to your major or not, you may end up finding something that interests you more or at least have the experience to make you a more well-rounded individual. 

Check back every Tuesday for more student spotlights!

- Compiled by Allison Meyer

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