Making the Most of Fall Break

Unlike many other schools, Purdue gives their students a 2-day fall break to relax, explore, study, or do anything they choose. There are so many different ways to spend your fall break, so below are just some of the ways our volunteers made the most of their four-day weekend.
·         Go home - Many Purdue students choose to go home to spend time with friends and family. In fact, going home may be one of the best ways to decompress and recharge for the second half of the semester. This past fall break, I went home to Pennsylvania and even brought my friend from school with me! Not only getting to spend time with my family, I also got to show my friend where I grew up and all of the best cities near me. No matter whether you go home alone or with friends, time with family is always a great choice for fall break.

LT Megan in Philadelphia with her friend Tara over fall break

·         Go home with a friend - Similar to above, going home with one of your friends can be a really great way to explore a new place and grow your friendship. The four-day weekend offers the perfect amount of time to travel to a nearby friend’s house and relax with them.
·         Stay on campus – Those students who can’t make it home for break, often decide to stay on campus. Staying on campus is a great option because everything seems a little less crowded, such as the co-rec and dining courts. Not leaving the comfort of your dorm can also be a good way to relax and get done some housekeeping things like laundry. Plus staying on campus means having a little extra time to get ahead on homework and studying.
·         Work on finding internships/research- During the school year, it can be hard to find time to fill out applications and update your resume. So, regardless of where you choose to go for fall break, consider using those extra days off to apply for internships and find research opportunities on campus. 

No matter where you choose to go or what you choose to do, make the most of your fall break so that you come back ready to finish off the semester strong.

-Megan Tandarich
WE Link LT
Mechanical Engineering, Class of 2020

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