Successfully Transitioning to College Classes

Although college is very fun, it requires hard work! The adjustment from high school to college courses can be a big one, so it will take some time to get into the swing of things. Never fear though, we are here to give you some tips and tricks for a successful transition to college!

Keep Track of Your Schedule

            One of the biggest changes in college is the amount of responsibility you have to take on. From the first day of classes, you need to be keeping track of your schedule and upcoming due dates. Many of your assignments will be posted online, so it is important to check Blackboard frequently. In addition, lectures are much larger than high school so you will feel a little more removed from your professor. Therefore, take advantage of office hours as they are a great opportunity to talk one on one with your professors and give them a chance to get to know you. Try to go to as many office hours as you can and take advantage of help rooms!
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Keep up with the Work

Another big difference between college and high school is the emphasis placed on exams. Unlike high school where grades were split between a variety of things such as homework and quizzes, college courses depend almost entirely on midterm and final exam grades. Because of this, it is important to keep up with the work you are doing in class and make sure you are understanding the concepts as you go. But caution, just because homework isn’t a huge percentage of your grade doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do it! Doing homework reinforces the concepts learned in class and will play a big role in preparing you for exams.

If the above information sounds a little daunting, don’t worry we've included some helpful tips and tricks!

  1. Go to Class!  

      Make the most of your time so that you are not overwhelmed before exam time. Go to class, pay attention, and take notes so that you can keep up with the information and learn as you go.

  2. Don’t be afraid to ask for help! 

     Going to your professors' office hours is a great way to go get help. In addition, Purdue has excellent resources for tutoring, such as supplement instruction.Supplemental Instruction (SI) is a small, student run study session. The student has been in the class before and will provide many examples on the current material. In addition, Purdue has help rooms for subjects such as math, statistics, thermodynamics, and many more!  

 3. Stay organized!  

     Get a planner or a calendar to stay organized. As assignments are announced, write down the due dates and make sure you keep track of exam times so that you can start preparing in advanced. 

 4. Take time to relax and have fun!  

    Your four years at Purdue will be some of the greatest years of your life. It is okay to take a study break to get involved or have fun with your friends. Make the most of your time here on campus! 

Have any more great tips for transitioning to college, or have any more questions about college? Let us know in the comments or on social media by tagging @PurdueWIEP!

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