Why All Freshmen Should Go to IR

Next week is Industrial Roundtable, the largest career fair held at Purdue. Each year, around 400 companies set up booths to talk to students interested in both internships and full time positions. IR is aimed at engineering students but all West-Lafayette Boilermakers are welcome. Some freshmen may ask the questions: If I don't want an engineering internship next summer, why should I go to IR? Or If I’m just a freshman, what company would want to talk to me anyways? Ignore these doubts. Go to IR, talk to companies, get the experience, you will not regret it!

Three reasons you should go to IR as a freshman:

1. Practice Makes Perfect
Learning how to talk comfortably and confidently with company recruiters is a valuable skill and practice makes perfect! Talking to multiple booths this year will only help you be more prepared next year.
Picture Credit: Society of Women Engineers - Purdue Chapter

2. You CAN get an Internship
You could land a sweet internship! You may think you don't want an internship after your freshman year or that it is impossible for you to get one, but you never know what could happen! Go to IR and talk to companies. Be yourself and express your interests, you might get along really well with a company.

3. Recognize Areas of Growth
Attending IR will push you to compile your resume. A resume is a very important part of eventually landing a job. As a freshman, compiling your resume and receiving feedback can be helpful to realize what you should do to enhance your time here at Purdue (campus involvement, service experiences, etc.). Recognizing these areas of improvement and taking action will make you a stronger candidate the next year.

Still not convinced? Let me share with you my freshman year IR experience. As a senior, I look back on my freshman year IR with gratitude. I was not planning to attend IR because I had plans to be a camp counselor. A mentor of mine convinced me to attend, and I am so glad that I did. I was extremely nervous to approach a booth and talk to the company representatives. The first recruiter I talked to noticed how nervous I was and told me to slow down and just tell her about myself. I was embarrassed, but I did what she said and the conversation went well. Afterwards, I went to a few more booths and started to feel more comfortable when talking to the recruiters. This experience was beyond valuable because the next year, when I went to IR as a sophomore with the goal of landing an internship, I was confident and ready when I approached the first booth.
LT Members Abby and Allison at IR last year

All freshmen should go to IR! It is a great experience, and sophomore year you will be grateful.

Have your own IR experience you want to share? Email us at welink@purdue.edu!

-Abby Trusler
WE Link Leadership Team

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