Making the Most of Industrial Roundtable

For many engineering students, this past week has been a hectic time of preparing resumes and practicing elevator pitches. We are in the midst of IR, or Industrial Roundtable, the career fair here at Purdue. IR is aimed at engineering students, although other majors do attend. IR is a great opportunity for students of all ages to interact with big name companies and attain an internship, co-op, or full time job.

Ready to take on Junior year at IR :)
      Having attended IR every year including freshmen, there is so much experience you gain with each additional year. Starting freshmen year, I spent the weeks before IR visiting the center for career opportunities (CCO) and perfecting my resume/elevator pitch. Having professional advice gave me a ton of confidence when it came time to speak with recruiters and sell myself. Another way I helped myself stand out freshmen year was by researching the companies before going to speak with representatives. Mentioning specific facts about the company in conversation is a great way to show your interest and recruiters love a knowledgeable candidate. Being prepared freshmen year helped me land my first internship with Procter & Gamble. So, when it came to going back to IR sophomore year, I leveraged the connections I made freshmen year to help land interviews with new companies. Having any experience at all after freshmen year shows that you are ready to work and truly peaked companies interest in my resume. After ultimately deciding to go back for a second summer with Procter & Gamble, I felt confident in my consumer goods skills but was ready to expand my knowledge. So, coming into IR my junior year, I decided to take advantage of company seminars. Company seminars occur the Monday before IR and nearly every company hosts a seminar to share more information about their company. Going to these seminars proved to be a huge advantage this year because the recruiters at the seminars will remember you when it comes time to talk to them at IR. Having the opportunity to interact with companies before IR even starts is something that helps you stand out and allows you to decide if a company is right for you. Looking back on my past three years at IR, my biggest tips would be:
1. Go to company seminars- This is a great chance to learn more about specific companies and get your name out there before IR even starts.
2. Review your resume and elevator pitch with the CCO, they have so much great advice to share with you
3. Research companies before you speak to them at IR- knowing the basics of a company and the roles they are hiring for will help you stand out and seem more interested.

     No matter what your experiences are, take advantage of the amazing opportunities that Purdue offers through Industrial Roundtable. Each time you go and speak with recruiters, you will learn so much about your interests and what jobs are out there in the real world. IR has opened so many doors for me in my past 3 years at Purdue, so don't hesitate to go and meet some amazing companies. If you ever have questions about Industrial Roundtable or how to prepare, feel free to reach out to our leadership team, we are happy to help!

-Megan Tandarich
WE Link Leadership Team

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