Fall is an exciting time on Purdue campus. One of the great ways to utilize the time off from school is to spend time with friends. Whether it’s on campus or back home, having time to unwind with the people closest to you is a great way to recharge and make memories that will last a lifetime.
Explore West Lafayette Area
Some fun fall things to do near Purdue campus include checking out the corn maze at Exploration Acres, going apple picking at one of the nearby apple orchards, going to the Wolf Park north of campus, or simply having a bonfire.Get Ahead on Coursework
Another thing to do during the time off is to get ahead on your coursework and organize a schedule for the coming weeks. Whether that’s tidying up your dorm room, creating a study schedule for upcoming exams, or getting ahead on next week’s homework, being able to take your time and organize can help create a stress free environment for the rest of the semester.
Take a Trip to Purdue
If you are still a prospective student, one thing to consider in the fall is planning a trip to Purdue to help you in your decision making process. There are many opportunities to explore Purdue during the fall. One of these is called Fall Preview Days. See the link below for more information about Daily Visits and Fall Preview Days:
If you are a senior interested in engineering at Purdue, consider signing up for our Seniors Exploring Engineering which will be Oct. 15th. See the link below to register! Scroll to the bottom of the page and select “Seniors Exploring Engineering” to sign up.
Fall is a perfect time to visit campus and see students in their normal routine!
-Marisa Hughes
WE Link Leadership Team
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Email: welink@purdue.edu
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