FYE Series: ENGR 131/132 (Part 3/3)

Out of the three options, EPICS, Honors, and ENGR 131/132, ENGR 131/132 is the most common course that engineering students take at Purdue. With over 2000 students enrolled in these classes each semester, the FYE department is able to break the classes down into sections of around 120 students. While this may seem large, each class contains 4 undergraduate teaching assistants, 1 graduate teaching assistant, and the main professor, making the student to teacher ratio much lower. ENGR 131/132 is broken up into two semesters: the first semester is 131 and the second is 132. In both courses, students are separated into teams of four that they will work with throughout the entire semester. In ENGR 131, Excel is the main platform covered, while 132 includes MATLAB. Each course spends about half the semester covering the basics of the program (you do not need any prior experience with Excel or MATLAB to succeed) and spends the other half working on a group project. In 131, the final project teaches the engineering design process, while in 132, MATLAB is incorporated into the design process.

Personally, I had a great experience in both courses. I learned a lot about time management and how to work in groups. In the engineering world, and really with any other occupation, it is essential to know how to be able to communicate and get along with others. Both of these courses definitely taught me how to deal with conflict in a professional and respectful manner. I felt that both courses helped me to prepare for the more challenging classes that I had to take in my college career, as I learned how to manage my time efficiently. If this is a class you are looking to enroll in next fall, I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. Just remember this: although sometimes things may get difficult, in the end the class is very rewarding experience!

By Madison Moore, WE Link Recruitment Project Committee Blog member 
Civil Engineering 2021

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